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Green Wolf Eel
Genus: Congrogadus
Species: C. subducens

See Below for Care Details

Maximum Size: 18”
Aggression: Mid
Temperature: 74-82 F
pH: 8-8.5
Hardness: 15-25 dH
Brackish Tolerance: 1.016-1.025
Minimum Tank Size: 60 gallons
Feeding: Brine and Mysis shrimp, earthworm pieces, small pieces of fish and shellfish. May possibly convert to dry foods after time in captivity (Spectrum is a recommended brand)
Notes: Sometimes sold as an “Eel Blenny”, both parts of the name are misleading; it is not an Eel nor a Blenny and is in fact a Dottyback. Though most specimens are Green in color, sometimes a red variant is sold too.

The Green Wolf Eel is a very retiring fish within the confines of the home aquarium and, aside from feeding, may spend the greater part of the day hiding. They seem to prefer hiding under and around live rock and will happily make residence in any caves provided. They are somewhat bolder when it comes to food and should be able to compete adequately with non-aggressive feeders. As with all Eel-like fish (and especially with Dottybacks!) you should keep a secure lid on the tank to avoid your fish attempting to escape.

Tankmates can prove troublesome. They are fully capable of eating fish up to 6 inches in length even below their maximum size, limiting potential tankmates. Nippy and predatory fish like Snappers and Puffers should be avoided, as these Dottybacks are easy targets for attack. Success has been noted keeping these fish with some of the more placid Moray Eels (which may compete for housing) though this should not be attempted in any tank smaller than 100 gallons or more depending on the size of the Moray.


Wolf Eel Fish, Fishchannel

The Dottybacks, Family Pseudochromidae, Bob Fenner

FAQs about the “Green Wolf Eel” , (Congrogadus subduscens), Family Pseudochromidae, subfamily Congrogadinae…, Wetwebmedia

Wolf Eel - Congrogadus subducens, Freshmarine

(Image Source)

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