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Orbicular Batfish
Genus: Platax
Species: P. orbicularis
Maximum Size: 20”
Aggression: Low
Temperature: 77-80 F
pH: 8.1-8.4
Hardness: 15-25 dH
Brackish Tolerance: 1.015-1.025 (juvenile), 1.020-1.025 (adult)
Minimum Tank Size: 200 gallons
Feeding: Will accept most foods; flake, high quality pellets, frozen shrimp/krill, pieces of fish
Notes: Orbicular Batfish are very personable and friendly fish and are much better suited to long term aquarium life than the related Dusky Batfish. Unlike the Dusky Batfish, the Orbicular Batfish settles in robust community tanks quickly and eagerly accepts most any offered foods.

Like many marine fish (notably the Marine Angelfish species), the Orbicular Batfish undergoes a radical change in shape and color upon reaching maturity. As juveniles, they resemble leaves and move in a way that resembles leaf litter blowing in the tide. The juveniles are often found in the wild in estuaries, and indeed, starting these fish out in low specific gravity conditions seems to be beneficial at keeping them from contracting Marine Ich (a different parasite than, but visually similar to, freshwater ich).

At higher specific gravities, these fish do well in Fish-Only With Live Rock (FOWLR) tanks and are destructive to reefs and crustaceans in the tank. Not terribly aggressive, in a high end brackish tank these fish could be kept with Scats, Monos, and possibly Tete Sea Catfish, all of which are large, peaceful fish. They become more social with age, and adults really should be kept in groups in very large (1000’s of gallons) tanks.


(7c) Batfishes (Platax Spp.), Neale Monks

Crazy about Batfishes, but not Spades, Family, Ephippidae, Bob Fenner

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