the origin of bengkoang and benefits bengkoang for health

in #fruit6 years ago

bengkuang or bengkoang (pachyrhizus erosus) known of bulbs (cormus) White that can be eaten as a component salad and asinanatau be used as a mask to refresh the face and Whiten your skin. plants derived dariamerika tropical included in the tribe legumes or fabaceae. in place of origin, this plant known as xicama or jícama. Javanese call as besusu (/ bəsusu /).

when to hear the word bengkuang, of course the imagined dibenak kitaadalah salad and powder cold. indeed bengkuang very well-known as one of our weblink components in the salad. sense of his sweet fresh and watery very klopuntuk eaten with gravy salad, so many people just menyantapbengkuang when eating salad, but very rarely consumed day-to-harilayaknya Orange, Apple, and papaya. whereas if judging khasiatnyabengkuang well deserved and deserve to be used as the consumption of fruit daily. bengkuang included in the category of plants phytoestrogen that sangatbermanfaat for women, especially for those who have entered masamenopause. in addition, bengkuang also good for skin health, and dapatdijadikan as medicinal plants because efficacious to treat hemorrhoids, fever, Thrush well as useful to maintain normality sugar levels darahbagi diabetics. origin bengkuang bengkuang derived from the Central and South America terutamadidaerah Mexico.
Aztecs using seeds plants bengkuang this sebagaiobat drugs. then on the 17th century, Spain spread this plant kedaerah Philippines until finally spread throughout Asia and Pacific. tanamanini enter to Indonesia from Manila through a Ambon, and since then itulahbengkuang cultivated throughout the country. bengkuang now more banyakdibudidayakan area Java and Madura or didataran low. varieties bengkuang there are two plant variety bengkuang, that is bengkuang elephant danbengkuang badur. on the varieties bengkuang gajaha, bengkuang can already dipanenpada age planting four to five months. while on variets badur, bengkuang new can be harvested when the age of cropping seven to sebelasbulan. identification bengkuang and part of that can be utilized plants bengkuang termasukkedalam plants herbaceous plant the spread of the family leguminosae having namailmiah pachyrrhizus erosus. bengkuang cultivated especially for diambilumbinya. leaves this plant compound, beranak leaves three. interest is composed dalamtandan length 15 to 25 centimeters. fruit fluffy, shaped polongyang contains four to nine fruit seeds. bulbs roots White, shaped like tops and skin mudahdikupas. flesh the White, crisp and refreshing karenakandungan the water is high enough. part of the plant bengkuang that dapatdimanfaatkan that is the root or tuber, seeds and also the stem. part tanamanyang can be used also efficacious drug and can be also digunakanuntuk beauty, for example just made a powder cold for perawatankulit face to look more fresh and White. processed of bengkuang usually bengkuang enjoyed in the form of processed salad or asinanyang certainly very refreshing. in addition, bengkuang can also diolahsebagai appetizers or appetizer like made salad dipadupadankandengan material other food, for example made salad shrimp, salad Bangkok, danlain so on. bengkuang can also be processed in the form of vegetable and puding.namun, many people just enjoy bengkuang in the form of fresh karenaairnya sweet and refreshing. processed other can be made daribengkuang of them are pikel bengkuang, chips bengkuang and manisanbengkuang. However pikel, chips and sweets bengkuang not yet known by banyakorang. pikel bengkuang is one of processed of bengkuang yangdifermentasikan in Salt solution 15 - 20%. during the fermentation microbial tahanasam will grow produce acid, flavor and aroma typical pikel. Salt yangdilarutkan will diffuse into the network material so network menjadiasin, and fluid inside network will flow into larutangaram take a variety of nutrients so Salt solution mnejadi media tumbuhbagi of microbial resistant Salt. pikel bengkuang this is not a lot of tersediadipasaran. the same as well as pikel bengkuang, processed other daribengkuang which also not available on the market that chips bengkuang. umbibengkuang the thinly sliced then fried to dry. pembuatankeripik bengkuang this is in need of engineering and equipment relatifsulit, such as the use of Fryer vacuum in order to produce chips bagusdan dryers used to dry slices bengkuang. candied bengkuang made with the two types of sweets dry danmanisan wet. candied wet can not be stored long and penyimpanannyadiajurkan in the refrigerator (refrigerator) while the sweets dry relatifdapat stored longer and can be stored at room temperature. the content of nutrients bengkuang bengkuangmerupakan fruit rich variety of nutrients very important untukkesehatan especially vitamins and Minerals. vitamin contained in bengkuangyang highest vitamin C. while the mineral contained dalambengkuang is phosphorus, iron, calcium and others. bengkuang jugamerupakan fruit containing water content high enough so that it can menyegarkantubuh after consuming and add the body fluids necessary untukmenghilangkan deposit-deposit fat hardened formed in beberapabagian the body. therefore, bengkuang considered can reduce kadarkolesterol in the blood.
table 1. the content of nutrients bengkuang per 100 grams of the content of zatgizi the amount of energy 55kal protein 1.4gr fat 0.2gr carbohydrate 12.8gr calcium 15mg phosphorus 18mg vitamin a 0si vitamin b1 0.04mg vitamin C. 20mg iron 0.6mg benefits bengkuang for health bengkuang have many benefits to the health of them dapatmembantu in treating hemorrhoids, treat fever, maintain levels guladalam blood for people with diabetes mellitus, cholesterol dalamdarah and so forth.

  1. treat hemorrhoids hemorrhoids terjadikarena disorders blood flow around anal so blood vessels melebardan swell. not all patients hemorrhoids require medical treatment, yaknimereka who complained bleeding, the bulge and itching. denganpengobatan any possibility of hemorrhoids can relapse back depending darikebiasaan eat, drink and bowel movements. fiber content in bengkuangdapat help overcome hemorrhoids. because one of the function of fiber ie membantumemperlancar digestive tract and spending feces so not difficult dantidak painless and reduce the emphasis when mengeluarkannya.dengan thus can reduce pain patients hemorrhoids. for mengatasiwasir, bengkuang made in the form of juice taken every waking danpada the morning.
  2. treat fever fever terjadikarena the existence of a defense mechanism body (immune response) to the substance of foreign (germs who has weakened) into the body. the bendaasing will stimulate the body's defense system, so akanmerangsang cell activity immunity (cell macrophages and lymphocytes T) for memerangizat foreign by increasing the proteolisis generating acid aminoyang play a role for the formation of antibody or the immune system, sehinggatubuh be resistant and strong face of germs. However efeksampingnya body will automatically remove pirogen (substances penyebabdemam). pirogen then bring a message via receptors in the hypothalamus, so happens reaction raising body temperature by way of narrow pembuluhdarah edge and inhibit the secretion of kelanjar sweat. as a result pengeluarankalor declined and body temperature so increase. bengkuang having sifatkimiawi that efficacious cool can be used to reduce demam.umbi bengkuang edible directly or made in the form of jusyang drunk morning and afternoon.
  3. good for people with diabetes mellitus diabetes melitusatau often known as diabetes is a disease who does not indiscriminate. all the could disease, the good kayamaupun poor, teen young and parents. change lifestyle especially polamakan the switch to food paced instant and practical can memicuterjadinya diabetes mellitus. in addition to change lifestyle and diet, faktorgenetik also play a role of the onset of the disease. disease piss manisatau diabetes mellitus is a disease that is chronic (chronic) yangterjadi due to lack of insulin absolute or relative. marked denganmeningkatnya glucose concentration in the blood. it also mempengaruhimetabolisme protein and fat in the body. diabetes not dapatdisembuhkan but can be controlled. treatment efforts usual dilakukanadalah the provision of insulin. However an effort that do not losing the importance of the mengajakeseimbangan food consumption. settings food and physical activity merupakancara the best in order to blood sugar levels remain in a state normal.selain with medicine physician, bengkuangpun can be used to mempertahankankenormalan blood sugar levels. dietary fiber contained in bengkuangberperan lowering blood sugar levels because absorbed perlahandan not everything changed to glucose. thus fiber in bengkuangdapat control blood sugar the diabetes mellitus. in upayamempertahankan blood sugar levels remain normal, bengkuang made dalambentuk juice or can also shredded then filtered ago taken sari dandiminum every morning and evening.
  4. treat Thrush sariawanmerupakan symptoms erosion skin mouth, namely the Wall in cheek or lidah.penyebabnya was shortage of vitamin C., allergies or decrease power tahantubuh. vitamins C. in bengkuang which acts as a antioksidandapat help speed up the healing process patients canker sores. bengkuangdapat given to the patient Thrush by made in the form of jusyang then added with honey and enough water.
  5. as phytoestrogen natural for kaumwanita, the presence of phytoestrogen very necessary to maintain kualitashidup diusia old. when a woman entering the menopause where hormonestrogen no longer produced body or just produced in the number of yangrelatif small, so there is a tendency women decline physical, including the skin faster mengeriput and organ bone start fragile and mudahpatah. therefore food containing phytoestrogen must diusahakantersaji in the menu dish every day. bengkuang is wrong satunyamakanan containing phytoestrogen so good for consumption for merekayang already entered the menopause to complaints happened to masamenopause inevitable and it will make women older menjadisemakin fresh and more interesting.
  6. cholesterol blood triglycerides dankolesterol a fraction of fat commonly found in the blood. in jumlahyang right fat is crucial to the body. fat is substances kayaenergi separately process metabolime the body. However, in excessive amounts, fat (triglycerides and cholesterol) can cause disease very seriusseperti atherosclerosis, stroke and coronary heart disease. kadartrigliserida and total cholesterol in the blood recommended is kurangdari 200 mg / in. if the number has exceeded the then perludiwaspadai and efforts therapy for it down. one of caramenurunkan cholesterol levels in the blood that is in a way to do pengaturanmakanan properly. therapy juice bengkuang can be done untukmenurunkan blood cholesterol. water content and fiber in bengkuangdapat help lower cholesterol levels in the blood. in addition to fibers and kadarair high, vitamins C. in bengkuang functioning sebagaiantioksidan can also assist in the process of decline cholesterol levels in the blood.
  7. reduce the production of gastric acid disorders asamlambung is one of the disease that occur because lifestyle and polamakan has changed. this disorder usually much going on their sibukbekerja so often fail meal time. if the production asamlambung increasing will cause nausea and vomiting, pain uluhati, a sense of weak, decreased appetite, even headache. if not segeradiobati will cause the occurrence of inflammation or even the wound in perutyang called ulcer peptic. to reduce the production of gastric acid yangberlebih, recommended to reproduce eat fruit and reduce the food yangberminyak and spicy can stimulate the production of gastric acid. ahlinaturopati suggest to consume bengkuang fresh eaten dalambentuk ordinary without sambal or Salt. because of the nature of tuber cold sertasifat alkaline bengkuang fast meyerap gastric acid excess.
  8. keep the immune system bengkuang merupakansalah one type of food holding an important role in maintaining danmeningkatkan immune. vitamins C. and some phytonutrienyang contained in bengkuang can make the immune system awake, so the relative can be avoided of attack a wide range of infection maupunpenyakit caused by the virus, bacteria and microorganisms yangberbahaya.
  9. treat diseases give - give. efficacy laindari bengkuang that can treat diseases give-give due kekuranganvitamin b1 (thiamin). the trick is to Peel bengkuang, then Wash bersihkemudian shredded or blended by using the juice extractor. sebaiknyadiminum at the time of the morning or afternoon after meals.

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