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Yellow Coris Wrasse - JQ's ReefShack LLC

JQ's ReefShack LLC

Yellow Coris Wrasse

Regular price $20

Also known as the Golden Wrasse or Yellow ‘Coris’, the Canary Wrasse is typically found over sand and rubble areas at the reef edge. This species makes a bright and fascinating addition to reef aquaria where no ornamental shrimp, snails, or fanworms are present. The tank should be mature and furnished with plenty of living rock to provide feeding opportunities, shady hiding places and visual barriers. There should be a deep sand bed of around 3” (7.5cm) or so, in order that the wrasse may bury itself at night or if startled. Keep either a single specimen, or, if the tank is large enough, a good sized group of 5 or 6 individuals (ideally introduced simultaneously). Canary Wrasses are non-aggressive and may be kept alongside some of the more docile species such as firefish, flasher wrasses, and fairy wrasses. It is not uncommon for this species to clean other fishes in captivity and this behaviour should not be mistaken for aggression. Powerful filtration and circulation with a high level of oxygenation are a must, as are tight fitting coverslides; these fish are expert jumpers. Canary Wrasse can often be observed searching for small live foods such as commensal flatworms, pyramidellid snails (clam parasites), urchins, tiny isopods, and small bristleworms.