Scientific Name:
Oxymonacanthus longirostris
Other Common Names for the Orangespotted Filefish:
Harlequin Filefish - Longnose Filefish
The orange-spotted filefish, scientifically known as Oxymonacanthus longirostris, is a species of filefish belonging to the family Monacanthidae. These fish are commonly found in the tropical waters of the Indo-Pacific region, including the Red Sea, the Maldives, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Australia.

As the name suggests, the orange-spotted filefish has a distinct coloration. Its body is generally white or pale yellow with vibrant orange spots scattered across its body and fins. The body shape is elongated and laterally compressed, typical of filefish species. The average size of an adult orange-spotted filefish ranges from 5 to 7 inches (12 to 18 centimeters) in length.

These fish are primarily associated with coral reefs, where they can be found among branching corals and other substrates. They have a close association with specific coral species, often blending in with their host coral's coloration and using them as a source of protection from predators.
Orange-spotted filefish are known to feed on a variety of small invertebrates such as copepods, amphipods, and other tiny crustaceans. They possess a unique feeding strategy called "cephalopharyngeal teeth protrusion." This mechanism involves rapidly extending their jaws to create a vacuum, allowing them to suck in prey items.
These filefish have an interesting behavior of changing their coloration and pattern. They can alter their appearance to match their surroundings or in response to environmental factors and social interactions. This ability to change color helps them camouflage and avoid predation.

The reproductive behavior of the orange-spotted filefish is not well-documented, but like other filefish, they are believed to be oviparous, meaning they release eggs into the water where fertilization takes place externally.

It's important to note that while filefish can be attractive and intriguing aquarium fish, they may require specific care and a well-established reef aquarium environment. If you're interested in keeping them as pets, it's recommended to consult with experienced aquarium keepers or marine specialists to ensure their proper care and compatibility with other tank inhabitants.

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