Flashing Blue Tang Can’t Decide its Coloration

The flashing blue tang is a very unusual specimen of Paracanthurus hepatus which is unlike any surgeonfish, or any other fish we’ve encountered save for one. This strongly aberrant individual is mostly normal in the front half of the body but…

Video of the yellow belly blue tang shows off this perfect veteran aquarium fish

It’s no secret that we are currently enjoying a crush on a veteran aquarium fish, the eight-inch yellow belly blue tang that we first spotted at Marine Designs in Suwanee, Georgia. The personality of this old aquarium fish and the…

This adult yellow belly blue tang looks wildly different from its Pacific counterpart

Before this past weekend we would have been first in line to dog on the usually pale yellow belly regal blue tang, Paracanthurus hepatus, from the Indian Ocean. While visiting Marine Designs near Atlanta Georgia, among some of the awesome…