Tomini Tang-Orange Fin Tang (Ctenochaetus Tominiensis)

The Tomini Tang, otherwise known as Flame Fin, Bristletooth Tomini or Orange Fin Tang is a member of the Surgeonfish family.  They are  characterized by their slender, oval and colorful body with a sharp spine on both sides of their caudal peduncle used for protection and aggressive dominance.

Ctenochaetus Tominiensis or Tomini Tangs vary little from juvenile to adulthood. Blue, yellow and white hues intermingled throughout as juveniles whereas as an adult, the colors become more pronounced with a blueish tail, brownish body and yellow/orange tip on the dorsal and anal fins. A half moon yellow patch is evident below the eye with subdued spots above it.

Tomini Tangs hail from Indonesia, Fiji and the Solomon Islands and inhabit the shallow reef regions surrounding the islands.  They spend the majority of their life in the wild grazing on various forms of algae that grow on rocks and coral formations.  They reach roughly 6 inches in size and have a tendency of being territorial especially in the confines of a smaller aquarium.   The order in which your Tomini Tang is added to your aquarium is important in curbing this aggressive behavior.   Adding the most aggressive fish and even larger species of fish last should help boisterous behavior as well.