The Return of the Danbo Brothers


 Let us be grateful to people who make us happy,
they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.

~ Marcel Proust

The Wayward Brothers Come Home

During an extreme cold weather snap in the midst of winter, the Danbo Brothers mysteriously vanished after I sent them off on an emergency mission to replenish my chocolate supply (see my previous post: The Wayward Brothers). Many weeks have passed since they set out on their assignment and some believed I would never see them again. But, just as I always knew they would, the Danbo Brothers have returned!


Early Morning Sunshine

I discovered The Brothers early this morning. Still drowsy and cozily snuggled in my bed, the sweet sound of their familiar laughter nudged its way into my consciousness, rousing me from my slumber. I stumbled out of bed and bounded into the kitchen where I found them happily unpacking loads of brightly coloured beach umbrellas and, as usual, wearing their sunny dispositions. Little Danbo smelled faintly of coconut oil, pineapple and plumeria blossoms. Big Danbo sported raccoon eyes and a rather fresh-looking sunburn, apparently having underestimated the strength of the tropical sun (unlike Little Danbo, who was wise enough to slather on a total sunblock). Despite the length of their sojourn, they didn’t forget my chocolate order and managed to bring me back a decent amount of chocolate, though all of it contained macadamia nuts. They gave me the remaining change from the chocolate purchase and we all had a good laugh.

I welcomed them back with open arms—who could  blame them? Taking off for a mid-winter tropical vacation is what we all wished we could do during that cold snap. I’m so happy to have them back home again. Today, we shall all celebrate!


Danbo_WelcomeOPT2To find out who the Danbo Brothers are and how they came into my life, check out my previous post: Meet the Danbo Brothers.





For more Danbo Adventures, see The Danbo Brothers Category







Image Credits:

All images and photographs by madlyinlovewithlife;
© 2012-2015 madlyinlovewithlife


18 thoughts on “The Return of the Danbo Brothers

  1. They are just so wayward, I dont know how you manage, I hope they brought you back some spring warmth Jeannie :-)

    All the best my friend.

    • Yes, the Danbos definitely are free spirits! Who knows… perhaps they could turn up in your neck of the woods one day. And yes, The Brothers did indeed manage to bring back an sunny and warm early spring! :))) Thanks for stopping by, Mark! The Danbos and I wish you a very happy week ahead! :))

  2. Oh, Jeannie, how I do love the Danbo Brothers and I’m so glad to see they’re back! And they brought you chocolate as well (even if it does have macadamia nuts). :) Such wonderful writing, too. “Plumeria blossoms” — love it! The humor here is warm and tender, just like the Danbos. :)

  3. Hello Jeannie! What a joy to see the Danbo Brothers again! I can see they’ve had quite the time these past few months :)) I can imagine a happy reunion was had by all, and as much as they love their adventures, the Brothers must love having a place to return to :)) Sending warm wishes your way!!

  4. Happy to see they arrived home safely and very nicely tanned! :) Wonderfully done Jeannie..Hope you have a great weekend. I think it’s time for me to do a spring road
    trip :)

  5. What a wonderful, creative narrative Jeannie…definitely tickled my senses! Will we see a chocolate recipe soon? Saludos to you and to !os hermanos Danbo.

  6. Everyone needs a tropical break from winter,even the Danbo brothers.
    Love the umbrellas! Cheers~

  7. Pingback: The Danbo Brothers’ Zest for Life « madlyinlovewithlife

  8. Pingback: Little Danbo: How to Beat the Summer Heat « madlyinlovewithlife

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