My internal debate about Vanessa Hudgens' photo scandal

Photo: Vanessa Hudgens: Everett Collection

Slezak’s Inner Cynic: Holy cow! Did you hear the news? Those nude photos of that High School Musical chick Vanessa Hudgens (pictured, left, in HSM 2) that were floating around the Internet yesterday — they’re for real!
Slezak: I did indeed. The poor kid is only 18. I feel really bad for her.
Slezak’s Inner Cynic: Yeah, but doesn’t the whole thing make you a little suspicious?
Slezak: How so?
Slezak’s Inner Cynic: Like, what if she leaked the photos herself?
Slezak: Inner cynic! You are officially not a good person.
Slezak’s Inner Cynic: Oh come on, Pollyanna, think about it: High School Musical is the biggest thing happening on TV and the Billboard charts these days, but practically nobody over the age of 15 has watched it. If girlfriend wants to take her fame to the next level, what better way than through a naked-photo scandal? I mean, that Efron kid already bared his abs on the cover of Rolling Stone!
Slezak: But Hudgens doesn’t need the publicity. Why would she do anything that could alienate her tweener audience?
Slezak’s Inner Cynic: You want to appeal to adults, you have to prove you’re an adult yourself.
Slezak: You better settle down, Inner Cynic, or I’m not letting you watch anything on E! this weekend. It’ll be all PBS, all the time.

addCredit(“Vanessa Hudgens: Bob D’Amico/Everett Collection”)

Slezak’s Inner Cynic: Okay, okay. You’re right. It was probably somebody from Vanessa’s management or publicity team who leaked the photos.
Slezak: We’re not having this conversation.
Slezak’s Inner Cynic: You think Zac Efron did it? So maybe those Perez Hilton types will stop questioning his sexual orientation?
Slezak: You want to start with Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly, tomorrow morning at 10:30? Or are you going to get up earlier and go for a run?
Slezak’s Inner Cynic: All right, I can take a hint.
Slezak: Too late, betch. We’re gonna ride the Public Broadcasting Express all the way to Lidia’s Italy on Sunday afternoon. Then you’re going to bed — at 6 p.m.!
Slezak’s Inner Cynic: Come on! I’ll be good! I promise. I really wanted to see that randy new series that premieres on HBO Sunday night.
Slezak: Not gonna happen.
Slezak’s Inner Cynic: But it’s got that lady from Profiler! She’s my favorite!
Slezak:Well, maybe next time you’ll think long and hard before you’re about todisparage the reputation of one of the Disney Channel’s apple-cheekedheroines.
Slezak’s Inner Cynic: Seriously? You’re worse than Mommie Dearest. I’m going to get a beer with Annie Barrett. She’s way more fun than you.

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