He is so Beautiful

butterflies rising

he is
so beautiful,
but i love in energy,
so let me tell you of
just how
beautiful he feels
– by butterflies rising

Shared for no particular reason this evening – except for the hope of what might be someday. I hope your November is going well. The writing hasn’t been coming easy. I’m giving myself grace. I hope this week I’ll feel the energy to catch up a bit. There’s lots of writing, reading, and a sort of research, happening at work right now. Which means I don’t feel too excited to sit in front of the personal laptop to write in my off hours. I’d rather veg out. But I have some extra inspiration this weekend, so I hope that wins out over the next couple of weeks and I finish NaNoWriMo, strong.

If you’re a NaNoWriMo writer, how is it going?

9 thoughts on “He is so Beautiful

  1. Thank you for this post. I’m doing NaNo too (onegoodnovel on the site if you want to add me). This year has been easier than. Last year I did my memoir and though the words flowed (over 100k by the end of November) it wasn’t fun. This year I’m doing a fanfic and it’s been great fun. I’m on Discord if you ever want to do sprints. ♥

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I will add you later today when (hopefully) I sit down to write. Great to hear you’re having fun. That’s so important! Words have flowed in other years – not so much this year. But I’ll keep plugging away at it.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Awesome. Thanks. Yes, some years are like that. I’ve only finished about 1/3 of the years on NaNo since joining in 2007. One thing that has been helping me when I get stuck and has become my mantra is a quote by Jane Smiley: “All first drafts are perfect because all they have to do is exist.”


    1. *Elaina. Sorry. And did you write that book is what I meant. *flail* I did this on Charles’ blog the other day then asked him to delete everything because of all the PSs and typos. *facepalm* ♥

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