Simalem Park Resort is renowned as one of the newest attractions, even the grandest luxury alias in the realm of the province of North Sumatra. Located in Bukit Brand Sidikalang (between brand-Sidikalang) which has views of the mountains and attractions of Lake Toba with a very broad perspective. The area of ​​this tourist area reached 206 ha with more than 25 ha have fruit trees typical of North Sumatra.

A little curiosity while in tourist areas, as it is spelled out very clearly the modern, elite, even luxurious, and this is definitely no longer the type developed by the local government. From various references, apparently Simalem Resort Area Tourism Park was developed by a private company PT Indah Lestari brand, in collaboration with Nexus Investment from Singapore.

then look for a moment modern facilities around the resort, as well as large courtyard that can be used for various events and recreation, among others there are natural attractions, ecotourism, lounge-cafe, and resort / villa. Well, for the inn is actually located in the hilly forests with views of waterfalls, rivers, and lush green trees. The place is very exotic, with cool temperatures that do not need air conditioning.

Simalem Park Resort tourist area is located at an altitude of 1500 meters above sea level. This area was developed as a tourist destination in North Sumatra that combines the concept of agriculture (agro) with ecotourism activities within a single integrated area. Simalem the Karo Batak language means cool and comfortable, is in accordance with nature.

if you want to visit tourist areas Taman Simalem Resort, you should not hesitate a hotel that is close to the Taman Simalem Resort. The following list of names we inform the hotel that you can make a place to stay overnight.

Taman Simalem Resort
Jl. Raya Merek – Sidikalang KM.9, 20151, Indonesia